Herbal Storytelling and Accompanying Tasters:

A Disclaimer

The herbs and plants we talk about here and offers of suggested plants to try are considered safe and at low risk of causing complications. We suggest using small doses such as you might find in 'off the shelf' blends and therefore will have just modest effects.

We rely on you to engage your innate common sense and sense of personal responsibility when deciding to try a new herbal remedy.

We gently remind you that you are responsible for your own health and own choices. The pages and information shared in online courses and social media interactions are intended for adults and are here to intrigue and interest you, but you are responsible for ensuring utmost care when identifying plants for ingestion and are responsible for your own decision to use them.


We would also like to remind you that:

-If you have major risk of allergic reaction to any of the ingredients listed or mentioned…

-Are pregnant or breastfeeding…

-Have an existing or serious underlying health condition or are taking medication…

… then exercise caution as herbs can have a more powerful effect in these circumstances or add complications.

Whilst herbs can have profound results in a large number of health scenarios, our online and live sessions focus mostly on stories and folklore and how they connect to the medicinal and nutritional qualities of plants and they do not stand in for a professional consultation.

Amanda shares insights into the health benefits of the plants, but this is only intended as a starting point or inspiration. If you wish to use herbs to treat a health condition, we suggest you seek individually tailored advice from a practicing clinical herbalist registered with The National Institute of Medical Herbalists.

More information can be found at nimh.org.uk